Monday, September 18, 2006

WCOOP Event #2 - $530 NLHE

Had a horrible event #2 of the WCOOP. I started okay picking up a few pots without getting too involved. I just didn’t manage to get any cards, and busted about half way through the field. I saw 12/146 flops (about 7%), and a couple of those were in the BB. The few pre-flop raises I did make let me peek at flops which I didn’t hit, and forced me to make continuation bets that were re-raised. I played 3 hands to showdown until my last and lost all three!

So not a fantastic start to the WCOOP but I plan to play in a few more events. I did qualify for $13 so it’s not like it’s a massive hit to my bankroll. I have stakes in a few other players who are still in, so hopefully I have something to post about later!

(on a side note I did manage to outlast a couple of WSOP ME winners!)

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