Saturday, November 17, 2007


Obviously after my last post I run really bad.

I dropped 8 buy-ins at $200 NL 6 max in one day over 6k hands. It was just one of those days where every time I flopped a set someone flopped a bigger one, or I'd get my money in with the best of it only to get runner runnered and lose the pot. It's one of my swingiest graphs for a long time, I actually started the sesson up 3 buy-ins, took a break then dropped 4 or 5 straight, then made a few back before dropping right back down.

It's taken the rest of the month to undo that session, but I finally broke through the zero barrier a couple of days ago. It certainly made me think a little more about swings and bankroll requirements. In a way I'm lucky I play at a level where the money doesn't effect me, I'm not sure how I would have felt if that was $1k NL or something. That session only really stood out for me because I rarely play that many hands in one go. I'm sure there have been other similar stretches, but they just occoured over a week or more so I didn't notice them as much.

As far as tournies go it's been mixed news. I have bubbled 3 final tables in the last week, which is really frustrating. Unfortunately the downside of playing aggressively when you get down to 5/6 handed before the final table is that you occasionally run into big hands. I did manage to take down a small live tournie for $1k though, which saw one of the craziest HU sessions I have ever played in.

We went from 9 to 5 reeeaallly slowly and then the blinds caught up with us and the last 3 dropped quickly. I got HU with aguy I know quite well, and we both decided that there wasn't enough money on the table and we should just play it out. Every time one of us got short an pushed we doubled, this went on for about 30 hands or so, which takes ages live, until I finally held and won with JT vrs AK.

So I guess I have had some luck.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Running Good

I hate to jinx these things, but I have been on an insane heater recently.

I have made 4 final tables in the last week, all in fields of 100+. That's a crazy number considering I haven't been playing in any real volume. Three of the FT's were online, but the most fun was on Thursday night when I took down a tournament at my local casino.

I went from 8/9 when we sat down to chip leader HU. I actually got a little unlucky on the FT bubble when I was being really aggro and ran into KK. Other than that everything went perfectly. People were folding to my 3 bets like it was their job, and I took down a couple of decent multi way pots early on to give me some room when we got down to 4.

I made it HU with a monster chip lead after busting the guys in 3rd and 4th and we were done in 2 hands. At my first table I was in a bit of a gambling mood and made a few last longer bets. It was so sweet to have one of them come over every now and again to give me money until I busted the last one on the FT.

If only I could always run this good.